Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Life Lessons From Mrs Thunder or Don't Be Me

Life Lesson #1: When going to the zoo on a perfectly sunny Spring day, make sure to A: wear sunscreen and B: Don't wear jewelry that is going to leave a tan line. Mrs Thunder, you should have learned this lesson from the countless times your husband was wearing a dew rag and had a tan line across his forehead. ( Can you guess which necklace gave me this mark? hint: it's somewhere on this blog. Mrs Blocko isn't allowed to guess as she and hers were with that day)

Life Lesson #2: Crafting is to be done sitting upright in a chair and never ever on the floor, especially for an extended length of time. It is really silly to do crafts on the floor if one does not like to sit on the floor to begin with, let alone for the time it takes to make a super duper long necklace. Please make sure not to sit on the floor while doing crafts ( I mean you Mrs Thunder).
Listening To: Machine Head - Beautiful Mourning, The Blackening

Monday, April 20, 2009

Time Out for a Great Cause

Hey everyone, just a quick note to point out one of the links I have on my blog. All of my links are great, but one is for a great cause. Please check out to see what a friend of mine is participating in, and make sure to support her at

I am more than happy to help out where I can, so if you are in a fundraiser, walking for a cause, etc, please feel free to send me a message with the info and I will post it here :D

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Artsy or Fartsy?

Things have been rolling fast for me since I went to the lawyer. I'm waiting for a confirmation for , I've been invited to a gem and jewelry show Memorial Day weekend (thanks Om!), I'm looking at a few shows for the fall, I have been getting more compliments and passing out cards, and I finally have a genuine sale on . The gem and jewelry show looks to be promising, but I may have to rethink some of my materials. Although I'm not allergic to using sterling, I certainly can see the value of using affordable materials to reach a wider range of people.

I was on a beading magazine forum for a while, and while I made some nice online friends and found there (Russ is super), I found a large group of Always/Never people. Let me explain what I mean...

Fancy Nancy: I Only use Swarovski crystals and Sterling silver in my work
Snooty Rudy: I Never Ever use pewter spacers, they're cheap
Maddening Martha: I Always make All of my own everything, and if you don't you're lazy

OK, so the names have been grossly exaggerated, but you see what I mean. I ran into that A LOT, where the artisan who didn't use the materials or techniques that were thought appropriate by the always/never crowd were chided. It got so bad in there sometimes that arguments started in one thread spilled over into three or more other threads (like the fight scene in Blazing Saddles). It really gave my poor little ego a blow, and I finally left the forum. I haven't vowed against using precious metals and gemstones, but I do tend to get defensive when I hear someone use always, never, or only when they start talking about their work.

So what is your opinion? Do you appreciate artisans who can recognize the needs of their customers (and their wallets) or do you prefer to have value placed on your jewelry via the materials? In other words, do you dig the jewelry for the look, or for the things it's made of, or a little of both?

Listening to: Ruby - Flippin' the Bird, Salt Peter

Blogger formatting really hates me today ;)

Friday, April 10, 2009

Hey Look, It's a Picture!

So other than the contest photo, my posts have been lacking pictures lately. I am happy to say I have remedied this. This is my first chunky chain necklace, and it will go up on etsy very soon. The necklace name is Violet Fire, and I am pleasantly surprised with the end result. I may do more chunky chain necklaces before the trend is over ;)

I am also very excited and wigged out at the same time. I just paid my lawyer to get my business up and running. Wednesday Night Accessories will now be a legitimate company, and I already have an application in for the Port Washington Pirate Festival June 5-7, 2009 I'm also looking at other craft shows/art fairs/street festivals as this is where I have made most of the money (De Monet, De Monet) in the past, face to face. I will continue to sell online, whether it be my own site or through etsy. I've been given some good ideas on how to market bookmarks, thanks Gunda and Aunt Dar, I know what market I have to be super careful with when designing, thanks Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act, and thanks to my family and friends who have been encouraging and supportive. Although I'm sounding like I won the Oscars, I am sincere in my thanks. It's so easy to dream and even easier to dismiss those dreams because of scenario A, or situation B, or what if Z. I always say "Don't lie on your deathbed with regrets", now it's time for me to put my money where my mouth is. And I didn't even quote Mel Brooks that time ;)

Listening To: The Doors - Riders on the Storm, The Best of The Doors

Thursday, April 2, 2009

And the Winner is...

Kristie Satterly! Her winning name is The Eye of Spring and was picked by James. Congratulations Kristie and watch for another contest in the summer!